Explore your inner worlds

Start a 
Dream Journal

Write down your dreams, securely store them,
discover patterns, and have lucid dreams!

Sign up to try it out:

Your email address and other personal data will not be shared.
You can cancel and delete your account at any time.
All your dreams will be encrypted and are inaccessible to us.
Read our Privacy Policy for more information.

The note-taking app for (lucid) dreams

Oneironotes is a private dream journal application for tracking, storing and analyzing your nightly dreamscape.

A complete dream journal app
with power features

The more dreams you write in your journal, the more visible your personal "dreamscape" will become! Oneironotes will help you with adding and reviewing your dreams, tagging dreamsigns, and detecting patterns.

  • Dream Editor

    Distraction-free, dark editor with a font adjusted to writing your dreams at night.

  • Secure & Private Digital Journal

    All your notes are encrypted and cannot be read by anyone but you.

  • Access Anywhere, Using Any Device

    No installation necessary. When logged in, your notes will be backed up automatically (secure cloud sync).

Everything you need
for conscious dreaming

Much like becoming fit, developing your dream memory and becoming lucid mostly depends on your own, personal effort. However, just like a good gym and personal trainer can make it easier to become swole, so can Oneironotes help you master the art of oneironautics.

  • Annotation Power

    Tag your personal dreamsigns and other dream elements and classify them according to LaBerge's system.

  • Visualize Your Dreamscape

    After about a week of journaling, a network of dream patterns will reveal itself...

  • Become Lucid

    Leverage the power of their dreams by taking conscious control.

Early bird offer

The lifetime membership offer is limited to the first 100 users!

🚀 Lifetime Membership

Limited launch offer for the first users only!

€99 one-time payment

What's included

  • Lifetime access to the app and all its future updates. Unlimited dreams. Unlimited fun. No subscription needed, ever.
  • Private community access.
  • Appreciation from the developer for supporting this project and its future development 😊
  • Coming soon: Full 30-day lucid dreaming home study course, hosted by lucid dreaming expert and psychologist Tim Post, PhD.

Yearly Subscription

Get access for a year. Cancel anytime.

€120 /year

What's included

  • Premium account with access to all features.
  • Private community access.

Frequently Asked Questions

Lucid dreams are dreams in which you know that you're dreaming. And once you're lucid, you can consciously dream about anything you desire. Watch Tim's TEDx talk about lucid dreaming.

Improve your dream recall and lucidity.
Try it for free!

Made with ♥ in Belgium.

© 2020 App Vision BV. All rights reserved.
Jacob van Maerlantlaan 49, 8800 Roeselare, Belgium
VAT BE0665619245

Are you dreaming? ;-)